Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Sloppy Win -- But Fun!

Trying to play active chess is not my cup of tea but here is a little gem:


  1. This is LinuxguyonFICS

    Well, 1.e4 is an active-chess opening, though. :-)

    Although I like your sac intuition, I think that Black can be fine after playing ..hxBh6 followed by either ..Re6 exchange sac right away, or after ..Qd6 first.

    Black should be fine after 16.BxNf6 QxB, 17.RxQf6 gxf6, then the Black king can centralize or help with rook to stop any h-pawn that gets too far passed.

  2. Well, 1.e4 is an active-chess opening, though. :-)

    Although I like your sac intuition, I think that Black can be fine after playing ..hxBh6 followed by either ..Re6 exchange sac right away, or after ..Qd6 first.

    Black should be fine after 16.BxNf6 QxB, 17.RxQf6 gxf6, then the Black king can centralize or help with rook to stop any h-pawn that gets too far passed.

