Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shine on You Rusty Piece of Coal

So, I made another blunder! But I somehow think that this position has more challenges than I first thought. My first alternative was to throw a knight into e5 but my shallow calculation didn't promise any future in that line. How I finally decided to push the pawn to fe is a mystery to me.

Playing small tournaments against Chessmaster profiles is my bread and butter these days. You have to see a lot of silly engine-trying-to-play-bad-moves but on the other hand you cet which is absolutely necessary for my to get close to the chess board.

The b6-repertoire is still tempting but I have decided to give the Fort Knox/Weird Indian stuff-combo another chance to win my heart. Here are a few articles which I have enjoyed reading:

Stonewall Attack

Weird Indian Stuff (part I)

Weird Indian Stuff (part II)

Improve Your Chess Game


  1. Within a couple of seconds of looking at this position, the first thing I think of is to play h3, so that after BxNf3, NxBf3 your queen is covering the backward c3 pawn.

    f5 is doing too many things in too few moves. Bc5 would be another move which is doing too much too soon because of ..Qc7 aiming at the c3 pawn should White take on a7. Ne5 is too early because of Nxd4, cxNd4, Qxd4+ followed by ..RxBc2.

    The Black king is already cut off, no rush. Kh1 is worth looking at, too. f5 lets up the bind that f4 is maintaining. This f5 move is exactly the sort of move that I used to make back when I was lower-rated. Giving it a 2 second glance it makes all kind of sense, but chess is not a game of "Is this a good looking move/threat" it is a game of positions/plans/sequence as one entirety/whole. ;-)

  2. LinuxGuy, Thank you for your comments. Always appreciated! I found the position interesting on different levels:

    First of all it shows a clear version of my erratic thought process. I think my so called idea behind the f5-move got blown up when the rook crushed into c3.

    I gave Ne5 a lot of thought but I could not see it work. However, my silicon friend seems to like Ne5. So, the position also indicates my lack of calculation depth and evaluation skills.

  3. Hi farbror,

    If you thought that you need to rip the position open to attack Black's king, then your f5 move would make sense.

    Does it succeed? Well, that's always the question and it's no shame to fail to see all tactical consequences. That's why we have to practice it.

    If you look at master games, they very often think about king safety first before starting an attack so Kh1 makes perfectly sense if you don't want to play Ne5. Or first protecting your c3 pawn but this is really tricky here. What a nice position!

  4. Thank You, coderyder!

    Yes, it was an interesting position and it highlighted flaws in my (in lack of better words) logic on so many levels.
