Friday, September 23, 2011

Chess Goals Galore

It is about time to evaluate the progress towards to the Fall Seaon Start-Up Goals. I am on par with everything but my reading and book review. Still, I am confident that I will finish it in time.

How about my Chess Buddies? On Target?

I could use a few more cc games. Any takers? There are a silly amount of rating points on my accounts to be won.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Guess-the-Master-Move, part 3 (Capablanca)

Capablanca vs Tartakower, 1924 (score: 115 par = 103)
A nice logical grinding affair. Very much in line with what I in lack of better words would call my style. I is probably better training to study sparkling tactical games but it has a homely feel to replay games of this type.

Capablanca vs Marshall, 1918 (score: 54 par = 51)
Marshall is all over Capa in a wild attack and then Capa moves a few pawns and it is all over. Amazing.

Lasker vs Capablanca, 1921 (score: 127 par = 139)
A long and often confusing game. Very energy draining!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Shine on You Rusty Piece of Coal

So, I made another blunder! But I somehow think that this position has more challenges than I first thought. My first alternative was to throw a knight into e5 but my shallow calculation didn't promise any future in that line. How I finally decided to push the pawn to fe is a mystery to me.

Playing small tournaments against Chessmaster profiles is my bread and butter these days. You have to see a lot of silly engine-trying-to-play-bad-moves but on the other hand you cet which is absolutely necessary for my to get close to the chess board.

The b6-repertoire is still tempting but I have decided to give the Fort Knox/Weird Indian stuff-combo another chance to win my heart. Here are a few articles which I have enjoyed reading:

Stonewall Attack

Weird Indian Stuff (part I)

Weird Indian Stuff (part II)

Improve Your Chess Game

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Guess-the-Master-Move, part 2 (Lasker)

You can read about the achievements of the second world champion Emanual Lasker many times and be surprised everytime about his results. There are so many legend making results. It is possible to ignore 90% of what he did and Lasker would still be one of the Greatest chess players ever!

I strongly recommend a look at his chess biography at

1. Pillsbury - Lasker, 1895 (score: 24 par = 40)

Another fine game. I think I was punished a bit hard in the Opening and lost quite a few points. In the end, the score was probably fair. There are a hanful of moves which I cannot tell if they are blunders or pure magic.

2. Marshall - Lasker, 1907 (score: 94 par = 99)

3. Tarrasch - Lasker, 1908 (score: 46 par = 51)

A game worth a second look and then another glance. Lasker sneaks in a bishop in the enemy camp and the Tarrasch just runs out of oxygen without any obvious errors. Amazing.