Monday, March 21, 2011

Play Chess on Twitter

ChessTweets is pretty cool if you want a game of chess against a "tweet pal" without signing up to yet another chess site. There are also ongoing "vote chess games".

Top marks but room for minor improvements! It would be even better if the pgn-file included your comments during the game.

1 comment:

  1. Already to much free time into chess, committed with turn based chess games on gameknot and . Also have to play those 10 10 0 minutes games i promised in my challenge to 2100 rating. Not counting my otb games and reading books about chess and writing and the masterclass about blogging.

    Beside I may not lose my regular income namely work and get some 6 hours of sleep a day, which makes not many time left to actually relax. :-)

    You see, my agenda is already to full to start yet another chess game.
