Sunday, January 31, 2010

Swimming with sharks

I have decided to join the Tuesday League at ICC. It looks as if they have cancelled the U1500 section (or what is U1800?) so I get a chance to wrestle with the Elephants and dance with the Sharks or whatever.

Another attack of Opening Phobia is haunting me! I wish I could find a Low Maintenance Repertoire to my liking. I suppose wishful thinking is the true sign of a Grand Patzer?


  1. Is this the same as the daily standard ? or is it the 60 minute game ? I've only been on ICC a short time, but if its the latter, I didn't spot it, especially the different start times ! Sadly, it looks like I would have to be in the open as I still have a provisional rating :(

  2. This is the one I was thinking about:

  3. Hi Patrik,

    Have you considered the Torre Attack?

    Andres D. Hortillosa
    Improving Player
    Author: Improve Your Chess at Any Age

  4. Hi Andres,

    The Torres Attack is on "my need to look at list". Thank you for the suggestion.

  5. Torre Attack is a fantastic repertoire, in my opinion. Low maintenance, easy to learn (though difficult to master) and can give you great results, as you seldom find (at our level...) opponents prepared against it!

  6. OK..the 60-minute one. I didn't see that web page, but I might also give it a go...

  7. I lost....but enjoyed it a lot, so will be back there next week !

  8. I glanced over your game and it looked very solid. I was toast at move 11 or so...

  9. Yes, I felt good about it.
    I know the Scotch, so try to play it, but I missed a plus at move 11. Surprisingly Bxf6 is not the best ! Equally at move 20 cxb is not as good as axb. Easy when you see it !
    A major factor is time...I ran out of it

  10. First Down -- Incomplete!

    I have a few more chances to reach my goal for the tournament: >0 points!
